IndyForms Enterprise Gold Support

Seamless digital transformation for a future-ready business.

Digitalising your processes and moving away from the systems you’re used to might seem daunting.

With IndyForms Enterprise, you’re never alone on the journey. That’s because every Enterprise plan includes the exclusive benefit of Gold Support—our top-tier, dedicated support services tailored to guide every step of your IndyForms implementation.

With Enterprise Gold Support, we don’t just advise; we actively participate in your transition to IndyForms, creating digital forms, establishing workflows, and customising solutions to meet your precise business needs. This means whether you’re a large corporation or a start-up, you’ll have the power to drive value from a uniquely customised platform as quickly as possible.

Enterprise Gold Support Services Include:

A dedicated account manager

As an IndyForms Enterprise client, you have access to a dedicated account manager, who provides:

  • A single point of contact: a real person—and the same one every time—who truly understands your business.
  • Assisted onboarding: in-depth, hands-on help to ensure your transition to IndyForms is straightforward and hassle-free.
  • Priority support: fast, personalised responses from the team member who understands your business best.
Enterprise Gold Support Dedicated Account Manager

Assisted onboarding

IndyForms Enterprise offers premium onboarding to support you through every step of embedding the system into your business and workflows.

This includes:

  • Migration, installation, and integrations: We assist you to move your data from other systems and software, integrate the systems you want to keep, and create IndyForms roles for your organisation and its users.
  • Workflow configuration and digitisation service: We set up digital document workflows, and optimise settings and automations to suit your business and business compliance needs, creating a complete library of standardised digital forms for your industry.
  • Custom solutions and advanced configurations: We help you to set up in IndyForms any additional customisations, tailored solutions, and special features you may need. You determine what you need to make your workflows faster and easier.
  • Personalised reporting, data, and analytics: We can even help you make sense of your data as you collect it. We help you to set up custom reporting and analytics, which will deliver real-time insights and snapshots without the need for time-consuming manual assessments.
  • Customised admin training: New processes can be a challenge when you’ve been working the old way for a long time. That’s why we provide customised admin training sessions to support your leadership team and team members to learn their way around the IndyForms platform.
IndyForms Priority Support graphic

Priority support

In addition to your dedicated account manager, every IndyForms Enterprise client benefits from:

  • Faster response times: We’re always working fast for our clients. But for the peace of mind that comes with instant help from someone who knows your business, Enterprise users can skip the queues with priority support for technical problems and a dedicated escalation process.
  • Premium support options: In addition to the 24/7 help chat services offered to all IndyForms users, IndyForms Enterprise users enjoy access to premium phone and video support for real-time answers to questions and help solving problems.
  • Customs solutions credit: For added value, you’ll have 48 hours of ‘Custom solutions’ credit per year to use however you choose. You can spend them on consulting, additional training, or digitisation services—whatever you need to maximise the benefits IndyForms delivers to your business.

IndyForms Implementation Timeline

Assisted onboarding timeline graphic

1. Discovery and requirement analysis

We start with an in-depth discovery and requirement analysis. This crucial first step is all about understanding your business inside and out – from operational mechanics to your specific preferences and needs.

Here, we focus on:

  • Interactive workshops to identify your software needs, goals and challenges.
  • Systems audits to evaluate current software tools, platforms and solutions.
  • Workflows analysis to evaluate your business’ workflows, operations and desired outcomes.

2. Strategy design & blueprint

Moving from insights to action, we transform our understanding of your needs into a practical, effective implementation plan.

This involves:

  • Presentations: For full transparency in the process, we provide you with a presentation of our proposal, including a demonstration of how the systems will work.
  • Contracts: When you’re satisfied with what we can deliver, we’ll provide you with a detailed proposal and a contract for the work we’ll undertake. This ensures that you receive exactly the system and services you need, and that your business is fully protected.

3. Rollout plan & implementation

First, we provide you with an implementation roadmap comprising a clear timeline for the rollout of your system. Our goal is to minimise any disruption to your business while ensuring that every aspect of the system is implemented effectively.

Then, we implement our solutions, which includes:

  • Data migration: We work together with you to move your existing client forms and data to your new IndyForms system, through a strategic process that protects against data loss, ensures data integrity, and maintains your current privacy and security regulations.
  • Platform setup: If you’re using systems you want to keep, we’ll integrate them into IndyForms. We also customise your platform, setting up user roles, permissions and security, reporting and analytics, and any other customisations and features you need.
  • Digital transformation: We replace or, where appropriate, integrate your existing systems with IndyForms, creating and customising your forms, schedules, and data collection methods, and automating workflows and processes to save you significant time and effort.
  • Customised training: Our focus is on empowering your key personnel with comprehensive, fully supported training and onboarding sessions tailored to varying levels of digital literacy. This helps you and your team to understand and get the most you can out of your new IndyForms system.

4. Go-live

Before we press go, we plan the go-live, including deciding an appropriate launch date and taking all necessary factors into consideration to ensure minimal disruption to your business’s operations and personnel.

Once everything is set for the launch, we’ll guide you through the go-live process.

The launch is an important step, but our commitment to you extends far beyond this. With Gold Support, you receive ongoing technical leadership and assistance.

This includes:

  • Customs solutions credit: 48 hours of IndyForms ‘Custom solutions’ credit per year to spend any way you like. This includes on training, digitisation services, and consulting to help you get the most value possible from your IndyForms system.
  • Ongoing post-launch support and improvement: Your dedicated account manager will be reachable whenever you need them to address any concerns, provide technical support, or adjust functions and features to optimise your new system as you test it.
  • Feedback and review: Quarterly reviews to gather and assess feedback and the progress of your system rollout, providing recommendations and adjustment as new needs or preferences arise.
  • Add-ons: If you or your team members are experiencing difficulties, or just need a little extra support than what we’ve scheduled, you can choose to increase your support hours with our ‘Grow With You’ Support Plan.
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Future-ready your business

Contact us today to find out more about transforming your business with IndyForms Enterprise.